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Kids at Kindergarten:

The schooling at “Tech Kids”, the Kindergarten facility at HTPS will provide a great time for every child. This stage is the starting point of a student’s life. Keeping this fact the kids are mentored in the right direction in terms of their attitude, behaviour, team work and etiquettes. During the course of study, we mould them to express, behave, learn and to be independent which will help them to take greater leaps in their future life. A proper emphasis is made in order to make them self-driven and learn along with teaching.

At this stage our child,

  • Understands that print is read from left direction to right.
  • Letters and sounds of the alphabet.
  • Simple words like the, and, it, and is.
  • Read signs, food packages, and other everyday items.
  • Reads favourite books and stories.
  • Uses scribbling, pictures, and some letters and words to tell a story.
  • Writes his or her own name and a few simple words.
  • Tries to use letters and sounds he or she knows to start writing things such as lists and invitations.